Released ReverseRegex
- Tags: php, regex,
- Written on: October 18, 2012
I released a new library today ReverseRegex. It uses the regular expression syntax to populate a text string. I developed this component to include in my Faker project. By using a regex to populate a field I replace the 2 most commonly used column datatypes numeric and text, that is 2 less new DSL to learn.
Database testing tools like Faker on other platforms also use regex’s to define text patterns I have seen similar code implemented in .Net, Java and Perl and now php.
Other situations that my find this component useful are:
- Generating tests data for web forms
- Generating test data for regular expressions.
- Generating test data for databases.
This project is also the first time I have used travis-ci, It took a few tries to get the build working (problems with submodules) but that image is worth every second.
<?php use ReverseRegex\Lexer; use PHPStats\Generator\SimpleRandom; use ReverseRegex\Parser; use ReverseRegex\Generator\Scope; # load composer require "vendor/autoload.php"; $lexer = new Lexer('[a-z]{10}'); $gen = new SimpleRandom(10007); $result = ''; $parser = new Parser($lexer,new Scope(),new Scope()); $parser->parse()->getResult()->generate($result,$gen); echo $result;
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jmceohykoa, aclohnotga , jqegzuklcv , ixdbpbgpkl